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Student Support



In order to ensure a caring and disciplined environment at St. Caimin’s the following structures are in place:



  • Class Tutors

  • Year Head

  • Deputy Principal

  • Principal




The Chaplain maintains personal contact with individual students and their parents and organises retreats and liturgies for all class groups.



Guidance Counsellor

The Guidance Counsellor advises on career choices and assists pupils in making educational, vocational and personal decisions. She supports and helps students who are experiencing difficulty in their lives.




Senior cycle pupils assist incoming first year pupils in their transition from first to second level education.  These mentors help students to find their way in the school, comprehend their timetable and locate lockers and school buses at the end of the school day.



Special Educational Needs

Students with special educational needs are, insofar as is possible, placed in small learning support classes.



Support Numbers
  • Samaritans 1850 60 90 90

  • LGBT Helpline 01 670 6223 

  • Pieta House 061 484444

  • Childline 1800 666 666 

  • Substance Misuse 086 416 3508

  • Grief Centre Limerick 087 985 1733 

  • BodyWhys 1890 200 444

  • Jigsaw 061 974510 

Contact Us

Tel: 061 - 364211



  Tullyvarraga, Shannon, Co. Clare 

V14 XY54

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